Michele Shannon

Interior Locutions


I am speaking to you from the heart. Your love for Me is real, I can see that. Your willingness to suffer in My Name is how I know you truly love Me. I have asked a lot of you in this life. Yes, you have complained but you still suffered with love and out of obedience. Please stay in this with Me awhile longer. You don’t know what lies ahead for you and all the Remnant, but I do.

It is a beautiful life that waits for you at the end of this long and difficult journey I will be waiting for you in the New Paradise. Look forward to these days filled with My Light and My Love. Remember Michele, each new day brings Glory to God simply because you love Me.

I am,
Jesus Savior of the World

Interior Locution 5/19/2017
Jesus to Michele Shannon
In Adoration following the Rosary
10 min. of Repentance